Running errands...

Last week my dad and I drove all around the city, completing a variety of errands that I had been putting off for weeks because of essays and art projects. I occupied myself on the drive by oogling our surroundings with my camera. It was a particularly nice day when the weather had been kind of crappy for what seemed like too long. Though I have been an Alaska resident for most of my life, I can't get over how majestical the local scenery can be in any season. The light changed so dramatically throughout the day, painting a different city as the day progressed.


This was actually very far away in the mountains. I'm shocked at how clear it came out from my dad's car.

Hillside homes are visible in this picture! They look cute nestled there.

My heart was literally racing as I tried to take this picture as fast as I could!
This picture looks peaceful, but the plane was going by in a matter of seconds.

SO happy about this picture! The moon AND a bird are in it! Wahoo!

I'm digging the contrast between the branches and the mountains far away!

Mountains as seen from Dimond Boulevard!

Playing around with focus. I like the contrast of the moon with the bare trees.

The moose crossed a busy road without a scratch.
Good thing that people were keeping an eye out!

Ey there, Mr. Moose!


  1. So lovely. . . *happy sigh* And I can't believe you saw a frikkin moose! I guess I see a deer every so often, but a moose?! How is Alaska even real???

    1. We're so used to seeing moose around here, but I still get super excited when I see them and I have a camera on me. As long as I think the situation is a safe one, I will snap a few pictures. :)


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