Days of the Week & Corresponding Planets

My first day of classes for the spring semester was yesterday, and the very first class that I had to go to was Introduction to Astronomy. The class is in the Planetarium on campus, so we all get to stare up at the big dome above us during lecture. It was a very interesting and interactive class. The topic was already one of interest for me to begin with, but the professor obviously loves the subject that he is teaching, which makes it that much better.

One of the things that we learned while becoming adjusted to the format of the class was something I hadn't even thought about before! We had to guess what planets the days of the week were named after. Some of them are obviously, like Sunday, Saturday, and Monday. However, the other ones weren't so obvious unless you are familiar with foreign languages. (The French I learned in high school was over 8 years ago, so that flew out the window of my brain for the most part.)

After guessing, the answers were provided and I made a quick (and derpy) illustration showing which planets correspond to the days of the week.


  1. I learned this in grade school (for some reason) and it's nice to get an illustrated reminder! I remember the reasons behind some of these as well (which you may have covered in class, I guess, but anyway): Friday is "Freya's day", and Freya is the Norse equivalent of Venus (roughly speaking). Thursday is "Thor's day"--Thor and Jupiter both throw lightning bolts and although they aren't each other's equivalents in their respective pantheons, they are similar in some ways.

    1. I think it's awesome that you learned this stuff so early on! I may or may not have... I don't remember! It's was great being reminded though (or learning for the first time...)

  2. Also, did you do a complete blog redesign? I feel like maybe there are more changes than before. Either way, I like it! Your new profile pic is especially adorbs.

    1. YES! As a matter of fact I did! I wasn't very satisfied with how it looked before, so I played around with everything and even made a new banner, too. I am glad that you like it. :)

  3. That sounds so fun! I've always wanted to take an astronomy class. The fact that yours is in a planetarium sounds soooo cool!

    1. It so is! I wish I could take all of my friends in there so they can see it, too! Unfortunately there aren't enough seats :(


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