Beginning Metalsmithing: Project #3

Objective: Practice fold forming techniques on a sheet of copper.
Time to Complete: 4 class periods (each period being 2.75 hours)
Materials: Copper

If I could describe fold forming in only two words, it would be crude origami.

I think the best thing about creating a piece this way is that you have to let go of your expectations, and just roll with what you get. Metal is a tricky thing to work with, and folding it is even trickier. When I was working on this sheet of copper, I had no idea that I was going to end up sawing a heart out of it and making a brooch.

When I tried fold forming for the first time, I never thought it would be a great way to relieve stress. As I pounded away at the folds in the copper, I felt like my mood was a little lighter with each blow. Who knew?


  1. I really wanna try metal smithing this summer! Your posts on it have inspired me. :D Also, I'd like to "level up" my jewelry making skills, in a sense. How has it been difficulty wise?

    1. Hey Stephanie! I totally understand wanting to 'level up' the skills. When I went into this class, I was literally at 0 xp. I had never played with metal before in my life (when it comes to making jewelry). Difficulty wise, I would say that with each experience, it gets easier to understand and also easier to accept your failures. I think that is the most difficult part, to be honest. There have been so many times that I started to feel confident about my skills, only to make a mistake and realize that I still have a lot to learn. But I say if you really want to learn and you stick with it, you'll definitely make mad progress!

  2. So radical. I love the curves and the colour. I can't wait to see what you create next.

    1. Awe, thanks Cazz! I can't wait, either! I love starting new projects!

  3. It's so beautiful. I love the serendipitous discovery of what you're making, and the the raw qualities of the metal.

  4. Its fantastic! Pretty, but with a really cool edginess to it!


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