Painting with Lilah!

This past Saturday I finally decided that it was time to lay down the newspaper and break out the paints with Lilah. Why hadn't I done this sooner? It was so much fun! It's a nice break from having to paint something with a lot of meaning or depth. I just slopped on some color and went with it. Lilah did the same thing but by the end of it I forgot what the color of her skin used to look like. Also, it's pretty amusing that 'making brown' was exactly what Lilah said she wanted to achieve. The ultimate mix of all the paints! BROWN!

Also, aren't the mixed up paints so pretty up close? I couldn't resist taking pictures of the tray afterwards.

Lilah's is on the left, and mine is on the right!


  1. That does look like fun! I sometimes get the urge to paint, but never do because I can never decided what to paint. I guess sometimes the most fun is just mixing colors and seeing what happens :)

    1. I tend to have the same problem, but I like when something I'm intending to paint becomes something else. Those end up being my favorites!

  2. Both pieces are beautiful! I used to love messy painting :)

  3. Nice! It's great that you both paint together!

  4. Oooh yes, higgly piggly painting is fun!


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