365 Week 1: Days 2-7
Day 3 I completely neglected my point and shoot camera this day, but I did take this picture of Lilah's creation. "I am StarGroot." |
Day 4 Took a close-up shot of one of my recent drawings. I've been having a difficult time getting back in drawing mode, so doing these freeform doodles really help. |
Day 5 Lighting this candle with lavender oil after a particularly stressful day. This was the day that my car became unusable until further notice. I coped pretty well, though. |
Day 6 It was such a beautiful day outside. |
Day 7 Thanks to a BuzzFeed article, I found out that a bunch of old games were playable streaming online. For some reason it seemed like a good idea to imbibe a shot of vodka and kick The Oregon Trail's ass. I had never won that game before, and I came out with everyone alive! ALIVE! |
Aww Copper is so cute! Whaaa you can play Oregon trails online???