Caddis Fly Art

Recently I saw this on the "I Fucking Love Science" page on Facebook, and I just had to share because of how interesting and beautiful I found it to be.

Photographer: Fabrice Gousset
Since the early 80s, a man by the name of Hubert Duprat began taking caddis fly larvae out of their natural environment and into his studio. He had the clever idea of giving them gold flakes to make their protective sheaths instead of the usual wood, plant, or small stones that they use in their natural habitat. The results are certainly stunning, and gradually other precious stones were added in such as diamonds, pearls, and rubies.

Photographer: Frédéric Delpech
Photographer: Frédéric Delpech
Photographer: Frédéric Delpech
Gif found on Colossal


  1. I've seen a few of these photos on Tumblr, and they always take my breath away. (Also props for crediting the photographers--so few people do that!)

  2. I saw this on IFLS too and thought it was so amazing! I have never seen the gif though, so neat!


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