365 Week 2: Days 8-15

Day 8
Half-finished drawing with colored pencils.

Day 9
My friends are wonderful art-gifting people! Amy drew the colorful mushrooms in the top left, and my friend Sofia gave me a triptastic poster for a previous birthday.

Day 10
This moose was just hanging out on our street, and this is a popular spot for them to come and lay down. I was a safe distance away when I snapped this picture real quick. I am so happy that I got a decent picture by zooming in really far!

Day 11
I've found quite a few of these at Value Village. They are really pretty!

Day 12
Totoro button on my wall tapestry in our room.

Day 13
Just messing around with this old free instructional book I got on campus.
"experience meaningful thoughts"

Day 14
When I first started working as a receptionist last May, I did a clean through of the desk and my work area. I found this magnet and really liked it. It's become part of my little 'space' with a neat rock I found, and a mantra to help me with my anxiety.

Day 15
Soaking up this awesome Christmas gift. I'm all caught up with the show, and I actually started re-watching it. HELP ME!


  1. i like the Project 365 activity!
    And yay! A Moose! I've only seen one, but it was while I was moving in a car.


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