365 Week 3: Days 16-22

Day 16
Close-up shot of my Jupiter necklace. It's special because Cameron gave it to me as a Valentine's Day gift last year. :)
Day 17
I snagged this picture of Cameron's drawing. He's very artistic. Writing is his preferred medium, though.
Day 18
I forgot to take a picture all day, and then remembered right before I was about to go to bed.
My dad gave me a cutting from his vine plant that is slowly taking over his house. It already has some roots!
Day 19
Here is one of my ball-jointed dolls! Her name is Amethyst and she is a mineral sprite.
Day 20
3D Design class is so much fun! In class this day, we had to split into two groups, and then combine all of our structures to make an epic marble slide of doom. It worked, then didn't work, then worked, then didn't work. It was fun!
(One of the times it did work, it lasted 27 seconds.)
Day 21
I felt uninspired this day, so I took a generic sleepy selfie.
Day 22 - 1
My 3D Design teacher positing with his paper self-portrait.
Day 22 - 2
Bonus! More pictures! It was hard to pick just one.
Isn't his paper self-portrait crazy accurate?
(He doesn't normally look that grumpy!)
Day 22 - 3
These are the paper self-portraits that our table made. Mine is in the middle!


  1. Those are so epic!!! I love paper crafts.

    1. Paper crafts are surprisingly fun! We are currently working with foam core. I can't wait to share the project!

  2. The paper self-portraits are cool! Your teacher's really looks like him.

  3. PS, I thought of you because I recently watched the first episodes of Neil Degrasse Tyson's Cosmos with my boyfriend, and he mentioned that we're all made of "star stuff" :)

    1. Aww I am glad that you thought of me and my blog. :) Cosmos is awesome! I love the original and the new one both equally.


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